Brentford Penguins FC

Brentford Penguins FC is the official football club for young people with Down's Syndrome in the region of Brentford and West London. 

Founded by ex Brentford FC player Allan Cockram, the training combines unique methods, which involve music, street football drills, recycled and reusable material, and techniques to accelerate learning in a fun, interactive environment.

The Latin motto of the club is ‘nihil impossibile est’, which means ‘nothing is impossible’. The club aims to raise health levels of young people with Down’s Syndrome within the region, whilst also creating a professional football experience for all participants and a winning team formula through innovative coaching.

Training takes place every Thursday evening throughout the year and has been self-funded to date. In order to sustain this exciting programme and keep the club running we need to urgently raise money for this wonderful project - all funds will go towards the running costs of the group, such as the hall hire, equipment, kit and other activities which are organised on a regular basis throughout the season for all participants by the Brentford Penguins team to give the young people a professional footballing experience.

It has been proven through various studies that young people with Down syndrome have greater life expectancy when they engage in regular physical activity. The results from the Brentford Penguins group have already far exceeded expectations, with notable improvements seen in the health, attitude, behaviour and skill levels of the students participating since October 2017.


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