
BlazeAid is a volunteer-based organisation that works with families and individuals in rural Australia after natural disasters such as fires and floods. Working alongside the rural families, our volunteers help to rebuild fences and other structures that have been damaged or destroyed.

Equally important, volunteers also help to lift the spirits of people who are often facing their second or third flood event after years of drought, or devastating losses through bushfires. BlazeAid volunteers work in a disaster-affected area for many months, not only helping individuals and families, but also helping rebuild the local communities.

BlazeAid was established after the 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ bush fires in Victoria and since that time has helped over 4,500 property owners across Australia. Since 2009, more than 20,000 volunteers have worked in excess of 152,500 volunteer days, clearing 10,500 kilometres of burnt or damaged fencing, and assisted farmers to rebuild more than 9,500 kilometres of fencing.

BlazeAid currently has camps scattered all over Australia. With so many fires in Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia our trailer stocks have been stretched to its limits and at the moment we need more resources. Plus with so many property owners affected by these recent unprecedented events there is a urgency for fencing material, water equipment and other infrastructure to help these property owners get back to some normal after these horrendous events.


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