Fondazione AIRC, Associazione Ai.Bi, Marevivo onlus

Lega Serie A has decided to support three Third Sector Entities, allocating to each of them a portion of the proceeds from the AIRC (50%), Ai.Bi. (25%) and Marevivo (25%) campaign:

The funds raised and destined for the AIRC Foundation for cancer research will finance the 5th scholarship in memory of Federica Cipolat Mis, a young employee of Lega Serie A who died prematurely in 2017, to be assigned to a young researcher engaged in cancer research breast. Breast cancer is the most frequent neoplasm in the female gender: in Italy it affects over 55,000 women every year, one in eight women in their lifetime. Thanks to constant progress in research, five-year survival after diagnosis has increased to 88%, one of the highest in Europe.

Ai.Bi. Amici dei Bambini Association, a non-governmental organization made up of a movement of adoptive and foster families with a single mission: to guarantee "the right to be a child" to abandoned minors wherever they are in the world. Operating in Italy and in various countries abroad, in 2023 the Association celebrated 40 years since the first international adoption was made and since then another 4,000 have followed.

"Marevivo" has been committed to protecting the sea and its resources since 1985 through national and international actions and campaigns. Among its objectives: the conservation of biodiversity, sustainable development, the enhancement of marine protected areas, environmental education, the fight against illegal fishing and plastic pollution. Marevivo has been working for almost 40 years to clean up coasts and seabeds and to protect their inhabitants. You also collaborate with nautical schools and institutes to educate future generations.
