In Campo con il Cuore

Every year in Italy alone, 60,000 people die of cardiac arrest. Often it is a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) without symptoms of any kind. In the case of SCA, it has been statistically proven that up to 30% more lives can be saved through immediate and proper first aid.

More specifically, it has been shown that external chest compression (cardiac massage) done by trained experts, who do not necessarily have to be medical professionals, followed by the delivery of a low-grade dose of electric current from an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), can restore normal cardiac function.

Training, prevention and the availability of life-saving defibrillators are the underlying goals of the project “IN CAMPO CON IL CUORE” (With Our Hearts on the Field). This project aims to educate athletes, young people and all citizens in basic first aid awareness to create greater solidarity and cohesiveness in our communities.
