Isola Catania

Isola is a social enterprise, an Impact and Community Hub, a place of innovation with an international atmosphere, born inside a historic building of excellence, Palazzo Biscari, a property bound by the Superintendency for cultural and environmental heritage and a Unesco heritage site , immersed in the historic center of Catania a few steps from Piazza Duomo, facing the sea.

Isola is an organization that enables innovation, entrepreneurship and culture with one great goal: to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in Sicily. There are too many parameters that see Catania at the bottom of the rankings for early school leaving, educational poverty, unemployment rate, low participation in cultural and political life by young people. Reversing this trend is the specific mission of isola, to generate opportunities for young people by creating a virtuous community of organizations, people and extraordinary places so that the south can become a center of production of value thanks to the talents it produces, which with rediscovered self-determination and a sense of belonging are free to choose where to live their future.

The creation of a synergistic and quality network between companies and organizations, national and international, and the strengthening of the ecosystem is the basis of the project, the hub is proposed as a catalyst for generative realities, which can enrich the economic offer and attract new investments in the area.
Only through a shared vision and a choral work can the new story of a contemporary Sicily be built.


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