Lasting Life, The Simon MacCorkindale Legacy

International actress Susan George, known for an illustrious film career, is also a recognized Arabian horse breeder. In 2016 she became founder of LASTING LIFE, a charity set up in the name of her late husband Simon MacCorkindale.

The mission of LASTING LIFE is to fundraise and to use donations to support those living with the cruel disease of cancer in any way possible.
LASTING LIFE has already benefitted hugely thanks to public support, who have spread the word and held sponsored events in the charity's name. Last year was all about fundraising and in 2019 nominations will be reviewed and the charity will begin the valuable undertaking of making a difference to lives, at a time of need.

This is an exciting online auction offering some uniquely prestigious prizes. Whatever you choose to bid for, it’s important to remember that not only will it bring a smile to your day but an even bigger one to those who benefit from the support of LASTING LIFE.


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