Lega del Filo d’Oro

Not being able to see, hear, speak. These are the premises for a state of absolute isolation. Yet, even for those in this condition, there is space to enter into a relationship with others and overcome the barrier of incommunicability that surrounds them.

Since 1964, the Lega del Filo d'Oro has aimed at assisting, educating, rehabilitating, recovering and enhancing the residual potential and supporting deafblind and psychosensory impaired people in their search for the greatest possible independence.

The organisation's aims are pursued through a highly specialised intervention, capable of offering each individual - child, young person and adult - a personalised rehabilitation programme and the appropriate tools to communicate with others, establish emotional relationships and live recovering, as far as possible, a dimension of dignity and autonomy. The activities carried out are only partially financed by public funds; thanks to the solidarity of many, the Lega del Filo d'Oro has been able to increase and differentiate its interventions, responding more and more to the needs of deafblind and psychosensory multi-disabled people and their families.

Today the Lega del Filo d'Oro Foundation is present in eleven regions with its Territorial Centres and Services in Osimo (AN), the organisation's national headquarters, Lesmo (MB), Modena, Molfetta (BA), Termini Imerese (PA) and the Territorial Offices in Novara, Padua, Pisa, San Benedetto dei Marsi (AQ), Rome and Naples. For more information visit:

