Papà Separati Liguria A.P.S.

The association pursues civic, solidaristic and socially useful purposes by carrying out volunteer activities, for the benefit of all parents who want to live their fatherhood or motherhood with awareness, responsibility and participation, thus, trying to maintain an appropriate relationship with their children.

The ultimate goal of the association is to promote:

  • Parental collaboration and co-responsibility, geared toward the healthy and peaceful growth and mutual education of their children
  • The protection of children in being able to maintain good and adequate emotional relationships with both parental figures and each parental branch
  • Eliminating if possible or mitigating in the separation and divorce phases of the couple any of their conflict-oriented emotional or dysfunctional acts, which have devastating effects and consequences in the minor children
  • Working to ensure that children are not involved in court battles of experienced distress and cause of suffering and destruction of affection
  • The removal of legislative obstacles, through reform projects, that prevent the proper raising of children by both parents.
