Gibson Gives & Retune

Gibson Gives

Founded in 2002, the Gibson Foundation is committed to making the world a better place through music by creating, developing, and supporting programs, and other non-profit organizations, in their efforts to advance youth-focused or healing music initiatives by growing the ‘share of sound’ for everyone. We believe that music makes everyone young at heart. Giving music starts with (YOU)th.


Retune is a charity that inspires young people to improve their mental wellbeing through creative outlets such as music and the arts. Creativity can be defined as 'anything you can lose yourself in'. Retune delivers workshops in schools, universities, colleges, hospitals and prisons, as well as putting on high calibre live shows that encourage performers and audiences to be open about their experiences. Retune's SCALES model, with six 'strings' representing different areas of mental wellbeing (Sleep, Creative, Active, Listen, Earth, Social) can be used as a preventative self-help tool that might reduce the number of young people seeking professional help or ending up in mental health crisis. Retune is supported by the NHS and carries out its work all over the UK, wherever services are required. The message is simple – we all go 'out of tune' from time to time, and it is important to have strategies up our sleeves in order to achieve mental 'harmony' once more.


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