Tene Ti Ala

"Tene Ti Ala" was founded in 2009 after a volunteering experience in the Central African Republic in the Bouar diocese. In Bangui, a village placed 400km from the state capital, there is a little Magairo hospital, managed by Suore Francescane Missionarie del Sacro Cuore di Gemona del Friuli. After getting in touch with this little, yet powerful reality, the goal of being close to them and to their activities was formed. The association has been founded to let people know the difficulties this hospital faces, as well as the testimonials of the volunteers and of those people who live in the Central African Republic.

Tene Ti Ala wants to help those people that have been in touch with Magairo hospital and to raise awereness for the wonderful job they do in a difficult country. "Tene Ti Ala" is from a dialect of Central African Republic and it means "for them."


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