Two-Night Stay at The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz
Two-Night Stay at The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz
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The Prize
Enjoy a two-night stay for two in a Luxury Double Room with a lake view at The Klum Hotel St. Moritz.
The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz is located in the heart of the world-famous Swiss ski and spa resort, with breath-taking views over Lake St. Moritz. Dating back over 150 years, the Kulm Hotel St. Moritz has had an eventful history and was instrumental in turning the resort into a winter sports destination.
The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz retains its position as one of the leading hotels in the Upper Engadine. The present owner, the Niarchos family trust, is dedicated to maintaining the high standards that have come to be expected of the hotel.
The Kulm Hotel St. Moritz has 172 rooms, five restaurants and three bars, the 2,000 sq m Kulm Spa St. Moritz which is based on a three-pillar concept – Relaxation, Detox/Purification and Regeneration.
Kulm Hotel St. Moritz offers the highest levels of child care and the free, in-house Marmotta Club is a place where children between the ages of 5 and 12 years can enjoy a first-class time.
Guests also have privileged entry to the Dracula Club, which is operated by the Kulm Hotel St. Moritz.
Additional Details: Includes morning breakfast. Blackout dates: December 22, 2017 to January 7, 2018 and February 9-18, 2018. Valid until: August 31, 2018. The offer includes access to Kulm Spa and Kronenhof Spa (regardless where guests stay they have access to both) as well as complimentary tee times at Kulm Golf in summer and ski shuttle service in winter.
Item #L2933
- To be scheduled at a mutually agreeable date.
- Blackout dates may apply.
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