A signed copy of Usain Bolt's Autobiography
A signed copy of Usain Bolt's Autobiography
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The Prize
A signed copy of Usain’s Bolt autobiography, ‘9:58: My Story’.
Beautifully illustrated with dozens of specially commissioned photographs, the fastest man on the planet tells the story of his life so far.
A skinny kid from the Jamaican parish of Trelawny, Usain Bolt's life changed in August 2008 when the Olympic men's 100-meter starter pistol was followed just 9.69 seconds later by his streak across the finish line and the first of his three gold medals. In a highly illustrated celebration of his influences, background, and career trajectory, he shares his story of growing up playing cricket and soccer, and discovering that he could run fast—very fast. He shares stories of his family, friends, and the laid-back Jamaican culture, and reveals what makes him tick, where he gets his motivation, and where he takes his inspiration. He tells of the dedication and sacrifices required to get to the top, and also discusses fast food, partying, dancehall music, fast cars, and that signature lightning bolt pose.
This auction was kindly donated by Miss Muna Issa
Item #L2301
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