Taglio di capelli con Graziano Pellè e il suo parrucchiere personale a Southampton
Taglio di capelli con Graziano Pellè e il suo parrucchiere personale a Southampton
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Ever wanted to spend time with your favourite Southampton FC players? Thanks to Southampton FC and Saints Foundation now you can.
This incredible auction is for the opportunity to have a hair cut with Graziano Pellè. The hair cut will be done by his trusted barber at the Staplewood Training Ground. The experience is for one person.
Many would say Graziano Pellè is one of the best strikers in the Premier League. All would say he has the best hair. Have your hair cut by the barber who cuts Graziano's hair. He will give you tips on how to improve your goal scoring skills as well as tips on how to maintain the perfect 'Pellè' hairstyle.
Saints fans, don't miss out!
Southampton FC have donated this experience to support Saints Foundation and Mary's Meals. Mary's Meals aims to provide chronically hungry children with one meal every school day, encouraging education that can lift them out of poverty in later life.
Bidding Conditions: This auction allows the user with the highest bid at the end of the online auction to obtain the right to participate by proxy at the Southampton Football Club Player Awards event on the 11th May 2016, where this item will be auctioned. The highest online bidder will be able to bid in the silent auction, by delegating CharityStars to bid on their behalf. The online highest bidder will be contacted by CharityStars after the online auction for their maximum bid. The highest bidder from the silent auction at the event will win the item and in the event that the online bidders maximum bid was not exceeded, then the online user will be the winner. For more information, please email enquiries@charitystars.com or ring us on 0203 301 5800.
Auction Conditions: Winners must arrive with clean, product free hair. This prize does not include travel, accommodation or refreshments. Saints Foundation will contact winners to confirm venue, date and times in line with the availability of the players and auction winners. In the event of a player being unavailable to fulfil the prize due to leaving the club or injury, winners will be offered a suitable alternative prize or a full refund. All winners will undergo a vetting process conducted by Saints Foundation and CharityStars. The Saints Foundation and CharityStars reserve the right to cancel a user’s bid if required. In order to be approved to bid all prospective purchasers must provide an existing (i.e. not new) SFC member or season ticket number – failure to do so will result in the bid being automatically cancelled. Any prospective bidder that is not currently a Southampton Football Club Member or season ticket holder, who feels that they should be eligible to bid for any given player experience can contact Saints Foundation directly on: 02380 711947 or email: jbhatti@saintsfc.co.uk.
Item #L1044
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