Luxury Sunseeker Yacht trip for 10
Luxury Sunseeker Yacht trip for 10
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The Prize
Treat a group of up to 10 staff, friends, family or clients to an exciting and fun filled charter experience aboard a Sunseeker powerboat in the Solent. Charter destinations can include the shores of the Isle of Wight or the Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth to name a few. Your skipper and crew are there to ensure every aspect of your Sunseeker trip is delivered to the highest level with meticulous attention to detail as you enjoy drinks on board with your guests.
Item #L5743
- Total number of people: 10.
Service Fees apply to this lot: these are service fee that are commonly applied by auction houses for the sales of this type of service. This service includes the sourcing of lots, quality control, storage, sale and customer support. The minimum Service Fees applied to this lot will be £9.95.
Please note: with the introduction of Brexit, customs duties will be charged by couriers to users residing in the EU from January 2021. These charges are to be paid by the user.
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