Dinner for 6 at Mango Tree Restaurant
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Il premio
Enjoy a meal for six people at The Mango Tree Restaurant in the heart of Belgravia, close to Buckingham Palace.
Mango Tree, situated in the heart of Belgravia, close to Buckingham Palace, is a part of London that will be forever Thailand. Like it's original branch back in Bangkok, the restaurant offers exquisite Thai cuisine in a modern, stylish venue.
Mango Tree has appeared on BBC1’s MasterChef and was mentioned in chapter 10 of J.K. Rowling’s novel 'The Silkworm' as a Thai institution in Belgravia. Using the very finest ingredients sourced from the best suppliers, both locally and abroad, the restaurant serves genuine Thai dishes from each of the four main culinary regions: rich and mild dishes from the north, spicy food from the east, mild dishes influenced by the Chinese cooking style from the central region, and hot and spicy food from the south.
Booking subject to availability.
Item #L5929
- Numero di persone: 6.
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