Meet Taburete and See them Perform at the Starlite Festival
Meet Taburete and See them Perform at the Starlite Festival
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The Prize
Meet Spanish pop sensation Taburete and see them in concert on August 15 at the Starlite Festival in Marbella.
Following the incredible success of their #devuelvememijoda tour, Taburete is one of the hottest bands on Spain's music scene today. Their story begins as children of famous parents who met by chance at college in Barcelona - while the father of one and the grandfather of the other were serving sentences together in Soto del Real prison. Fast forward two years and Guillermo Bárcenas and Antón Carreño, aka Taburete, have sold out 30 concerts after being discovered on youtube and facebook.
The auction winner and a friend will meet Taburete and receive 2 tickets for their concert that will take place on August 15 at the Starlite Festival in Marbella, Spain.
Conoce a los Taburete y míralos en concierto el 15 de agosto en el Starlite Festival de Marbella.
Tras el increíble éxito de su gira #devuelvememijoda, Taburete es una de las bandas más populares en la escena musical española de hoy. Su historia comienza como hijos de padres famosos que se conocieron por casualidad en la universidad de Barcelona, mientras que el padre de uno y el abuelo del otro estaban cumpliendo sentencias juntos en la prisión de Soto del Real. Avance rápido de dos años y Guillermo Bárcenas y Antón Carreño, alias Taburete, han hecho sold out en 30 conciertos después de ser descubiertos en youtube y Facebook.
El ganador de la subasta y un amigo se encontrarán con Taburete y recibirán 2 boletos para su concierto que tendrá lugar el 15 de agosto en el Festival Starlite en Marbella, España.
Item #L5457
- Total number of people: 2.
- In condition as donated.
Service Fees apply to this lot: these are service fee that are commonly applied by auction houses for the sales of this type of service. This service includes the sourcing of lots, quality control, storage, sale and customer support. The minimum Service Fees applied to this lot will be €9.95.
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