One Week's Work Experience at Zinc Media
One Week's Work Experience at Zinc Media
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The Prize
You have the chance to undertake one week's unpaid work experience at an exciting and dynamic global media company producing a wide range of television and branded content.
The main office is based in Victoria, London and this work experience will offer the unique opportunity to work within the development department of a successful documentary and factual entertainment producer.
A fantastic opportunity to learn about how to develop and pitch television ideas to UK and US broadcasters.
Item #L5618
- Total number of people: 2.
- To be scheduled at a mutually agreeable date.
Service Fees apply to this lot: these are service fee that are commonly applied by auction houses for the sales of this type of service. This service includes the sourcing of lots, quality control, storage, sale and customer support. The minimum Service Fees applied to this lot will be £9.95.
Please note: with the introduction of Brexit, customs duties will be charged by couriers to users residing in the EU from January 2021. These charges are to be paid by the user.
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