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Please note: This lot closed on our platform on September 20th, 2016 at 8:02am EDT but was part of a live auction on September 20th. For questions visit our help center.

Nb: l'asta fa parte di un lotto di live bidding. Leggere attentamente le condizioni più in basso

Experience the hair-raising thrills of a sports driving course and learn to handle a first-class vehicle like a pro with Rossocorsa. Rossocorsa Racing is a racing division of the Ferrari and Maserati dealerships, and they are pleased to offer a driving course in a Ferrari car for your undoubted enjoyment. This exclusive experience is geared towards training for sports driving, and participants will have the opportunity to learn sport driving techniques and improve their own driving performance. Don’t let this exciting opportunity pass you by.

Corso di guida sportiva Rossocorsa in Ferrari. Rossocorsa Racing, divisione Corse della Concessionaria Ferrari e Maserati, ha il piacere di presentare un corso di Guida Sportiva su una vettura Ferrari. Esperienza esclusiva dedicata alla formazione alla guida sportiva, dove i partecipanti avranno la possibilità di imparare le tecniche di guida sportiva, migliorando le proprie prestazioni.

Item #L1524

Service Fees apply to this lot: these are service fee that are commonly applied by auction houses for the sales of this type of service. This service includes the sourcing of lots, quality control, storage, sale and customer support. The minimum Service Fees applied to this lot will be €9.95.

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