"Sleepdancer" NFT by Lazaro
"Sleepdancer" NFT by Lazaro
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Sleepdancer, 2022
4320 x 5400 px
Dancing heart under a night-glow skin.
Umberto Votta, aka Lazaro, is a concept artist from Milan. Born in 1991, he has begun to draw attention in recent years in the world of digital art, especially 3D art, gaining recognition for exhibitions in London and the United States, as well as publications in trade magazines.
His works are characterized by the bright tones typical of the fantasy world combined with markedly futuristic environments, with influences from the “Cyberpunk” genre.
The imaginary megalopolises, with their infinite expanses of neon and metal, form the backdrop to sections of ordinary life, with the aim of prompting reflection on the relationship between man and technology, in a world that is becoming more digitalized and alienating every day.
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Source of the Lot
This item is owned by Association Centro Benedetta D'Intino, who has opted to utilise the CharityStars.com platform for an online auction. CharityStars has conducted comprehensive preliminary due diligence on the item. However, as an intermediary, CharityStars cannot assume any responsibility for the quality, origin, or consistency of the asset. These aspects remain solely the responsibility of the seller.
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About this lot
Virtual Quality Check
Our team digitally analysed and verified this item using the photographic and documentary materials provided by the seller. While this evaluation is conducted to the best of CharityStars' knowledge, it is important to note that as this item is third-party property, its provenance and authenticity cannot be verified with absolute certainty. Therefore, this verification does not constitute a conventional guarantee or promise of quality as defined by the Consumer Rights Act 2015. Specifically, the goods must be as described (Section 11), but the limitations of this description are clearly stated and acknowledged by the buyer. This clarification is made to ensure transparency and fairness in accordance with Section 2 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
Source of the Lot
This item is owned by Association Centro Benedetta D'Intino, who has opted to utilise the CharityStars.com platform for an online auction. CharityStars has conducted comprehensive preliminary due diligence on the item. However, as an intermediary, CharityStars cannot assume any responsibility for the quality, origin, or consistency of the asset. These aspects remain solely the responsibility of the seller.
CharityStars sells this item on behalf of the seller in its current condition, without any warranties from CharityStars, including but not limited to defects, flaws, imperfections, damage, or lack of quality. Upon the buyer's request and subject to the seller's availability, the buyer may inspect the item at their own expense, including through an independent expert, before purchase. CharityStars does not accept responsibility for any defects, flaws, or discrepancies and provides no contractual guarantees or authenticity warranties for the items. These are solely the seller's responsibility and risk. Unless due to willful misconduct or gross negligence, CharityStars is not liable for indirect or consequential damages arising from the sale. CharityStars does not provide eviction warranties, as the sale is expressly at the buyer's risk. Consumer protection laws do not apply to your purchases from private sellers. The right to reject under Section 20 of the Consumer Rights Act does not apply. Specifically, sections 9 and 10 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 do not apply. In any event, CharityStars' liability to the buyer is limited to the auction price and the purchase fee paid.
Item #L11172
- In condition as donated.
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