Exclusive Access to Vair Spa in Apulia, Italy
Exclusive Access to Vair Spa in Apulia, Italy
Exclusive voucher for Vair Spa in Borgo Egnazia, Italy.
This voucher gives you access to the spa with sauna, turkish bath, ice fountain, relaxation area and indoor pool as well as a 50-minute Mascior massage.
Vair means “True” in Puglian dialect and founds its core essence on the pursuit of happiness. An extraordinary team of therapists-artists, musicians and local dancers will guide you in poetic experiences based on the principles of the “Science of Happiness”.
Vair has a variety of different environments: the beauty area with the new Nail Lab, the fitness area with gym and indoor heated pool, the new wet area with sauna, turkish bath and ice fountain, the relaxation area with the Vair bistrò and finally - at the heart of the spa - the Roman Baths. Here everything is calibrated to cradle, cocoon, soften and soothe with unique treatments inspired by this ancient land, by its sacred and profane rituals, by the sheer beauty of its olive trees and by the clean power of the sea breeze.
A wonderful journey to re-establish your internal compass and reconnect with your own happiness.
Location: Strada Comunale Egnazia, 72015 Savelletri di Fasano, Puglia, Italy.
This experience is valid for two people.
物品 #P33484
- 总人数: 2.
- Experience may not be resold or re-auctioned.
- Cannot be transferred.
- To be scheduled at a mutually agreeable date.
- Blackout dates may apply.
- Travel and accommodation not included.