Annie Leibovitz "Alice Cooper"
Annie Leibovitz "Alice Cooper"
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Annie Leibovitz "Alice Cooper".
Dimensions: 26,5 x 20,5 cm
Annie Leibovitz was born in Waterbury, Connecticut, and is the third of six children. Due to her father's job as a US Air Force officer, she was forced to travel between military bases from an early age. During one of these trips, Leibovitz discovered photography and it immediately became her passion.
In the early years after her studies, Annie Leibovitz began several occasional collaborations with minor magazines, gaining appreciation for her approach to photography and the quality of the shots. Right from the start she specialized in human subjects, mostly portraits, and began to grow in popularity. In 1969 she went to the Israeli kibbutz Amir, to document the life of the volunteers, creating the portfolio that would act as a springboard to Rolling Stone magazine. She stayed in this job for 13 years, from 1970 to 1983, gaining further his fame and popularity.
Since 1983 she has worked as a portrait photographer for Vanity Fair. In 1990 she was awarded with the Infinity Awards for Applied photography. In 1998 she created the 1999 Pirelli Calendar. In 2008 she created the 2009 Lavazza calendar. Most recently she was chosen as a photographer for the 2016 Pirelli Calendar which features 12 women including Yoko Ono, Tavi Gevinson and Patti Smith.
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About this lot
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Our team digitally analysed and verified this item using the photographic and documentary materials provided by the seller. While this evaluation is conducted to the best of CharityStars' knowledge, it is important to note that as this item is third-party property, its provenance and authenticity cannot be verified with absolute certainty. Therefore, this verification does not constitute a conventional guarantee or promise of quality as defined by the Consumer Rights Act 2015. Specifically, the goods must be as described (Section 11), but the limitations of this description are clearly stated and acknowledged by the buyer. This clarification is made to ensure transparency and fairness in accordance with Section 2 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
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Item #P78315
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