Taglio di capelli del parrucchiere pluri-premiato Lee Stafford
Taglio di capelli del parrucchiere pluri-premiato Lee Stafford
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Il premio
Couture Haircut from the Celebrity Hairdresser, Lee Stafford
Lee Stafford is a hairdresser for the stars. He has won a number of awards, including Influential Hairdresser that was selected by his peers. Lee Stafford is one of Britain’s most exciting celebrity hairdressers. Not only does he give fantastic hair, but he also creates award-winning product ranges, state of the art salons and beautiful collections. Lee has also starred in a number of television shows including ‘Celebrity Scissorhands’.
The winner of this auction will have the incredible opportunity to have their hair cut by Lee at the 'Loft'. Do not miss this opportunity to get the best hair cut of your life!
Lee Stafford has donated this experience to support Cancer Research UK which aims to double cancer survival rates in the next 20 years
Conditions: The auction winner will be notified via email. The experience will take place on a date suitable for the auction winner and for Lee Stafford within 12 months of the auction closing. Need more information? Email [email protected] or ring us on 0203 301 5800.
Live a Dream, Make a Change
Item #P5662
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