



Get rubbed the right way, with a StressLess in home massage. This is definitely not just your typical oil slathering hour. At StressLess Wellness, the focus is on listening to their clients, not just their words but their bodies. After a chat about life, Sophia Olivieri, LMT uses her magical hands to listen to your muscles. You’ll feel relaxed while she works out the tension and gathers information to help you live your best life. 

Sophia’s passion is problem solving, getting to the root of a problem. She is focused on helping others find solutions to their aches, pains, and all health issues whether they’re caused by lifestyle, environment or genetics. She has been thoroughly trained in deep tissue, neuro-muscular therapy, Swedish, lymphatic and pre-natal massage. 

Sophia has generously donated an in-home massage (usually priced at $525) in support of A little Rescue. Bid now for your chance to win this customized 90 minute massage that is all about you, wherever your body needs work. Tailored pressure and techniques will  help your body heal.

Proceeds from this auction enable A little Rescue to expand its mission of rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming animals in need; as well as continue to expand its Emergency Fund. 

Please note: This experience will take place in Los Angeles, CA on a mutually agreeable date. No travel or accommodation will be provided for the winner. Following the auction’s close, the winner will be contacted with additional details about booking their appointment with Sophia.This experience is valid until October 25, 2024.  

Click HERE to see other items in this auction.

物品 #P108902

  • Experience may not be resold or re-auctioned.
  • To be scheduled at a mutually agreeable date.
  • Blackout dates may apply.
  • We expect all winning bidders and guests to conduct themselves appropriately and be polite and respectful at all times.


