Opera San Francesco for the Poor, OSF, was founded by the Capuchin Friars of viale Piave in Milan in 1959. Since then, the organization has been committed to providing the poor with free care and hospitality, as stated in its official statute.
The aim is to provide for basic needs such as hot meals, showers and clean clothes, but also guarantees the right to healthcare by providing free medical check ups and medicines. No distinction is made accoding to ethnicity, culture, religion or language and anyone having trouble finding a home or a job or managing relationships will find the support they need.
These services to the poor are guaranteed on a daily basis thanks to the irreplaceable work of volunteers, the backbone of Opera San Francesco, and the generous donations of its supporters, both individuals and companies.
Every single action and service is listed to ensure maximum transparency and all data can be consulted in the social report that is released annually.