Two Courtside Tickets to a Los Angeles Clippers Home Game
Two Courtside Tickets to a Los Angeles Clippers Home Game
Enjoy a Los Angeles Clippers Game from the court!
Two Courtside Tickets to any Clippers Home Game
*Date must be mutually agreed upon with a 30 day notice
Collins Grace Thuy Huynh was born on March 4, 2014 and went to heaven on July 17, 2014. Collins Grace was born with Trisomy 12, a rare chromosome disorder (very few documented cases nation wide). As a result of her Trisomy 12, she suffered from heart abnormalities. Collins Grace fought a brave 4 ½ month battle before going to heaven to be with our Lord and Savior.
Collins Grace’s parents, Ashley and Tien Huynh, want to make sure that her name not only lives on, but her presence can be felt by families with newborns in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). Collins Grace was the sunshine in Ashley and Tien’s lives; therefore, they want to make sure her foundation provides sunshine to newborns and their families during their darkest days.
The mission of the Collins Grace Foundation is to support newborns in the NICUs, and their families, by providing emotional and financial support.
物品 #P57593
- 总人数: 2.
- To be scheduled at a mutually agreeable date.
- We expect all winning bidders and guests to conduct themselves appropriately and be polite and respectful at all times.