Ultimate Top Gun Experience Including an Air Combat Mission
Ultimate Top Gun Experience Including an Air Combat Mission
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Become a Top Gun in Air Combat Mission! No experience is required, but be prepared to show everyone what you’ve got.
This experience held in Mesa, Arizona includes five air combat engagements, aircraft handling and G exercises, formation Battle Break to full-stop landing, in-flight video and hero photo with training certificate.
You will receive an air combat tactics manual to review prior to your adventure. Greeted by friendly staff you will select a leather call-sign and get suited up in your flight gear.
Fully briefed, you and your fighter pilot instructor will step to the aircraft to get strapped in for the mission. You will start with a formation take-off to the training area where you’ll warm-up with advanced handling, weapons usage and basic aerobatic maneuvers. Then it’s combat time as you fly 5 g-pulling air combat engagements in a profile utilizing offensive and defensive tactics. The flight culminates with a thrilling three-dimensional smoke chase. An exciting formation high-speed low-altitude pass down the runway marks your arrival to base and impresses family and friends. The mission is debriefed by recreating your tactical flight using the multiple-view video and in-flight notes evaluating shots and tactics.
Your Top Gun Experience includes:
- 1 fighter pilot mission experience for 1 person on the Extra 300L Aerobatic Aircraft, including briefing on the Rules of Engagement, the physiological effects of G-forces, practice with formation flying, basic maneuvers, 5 air combat engagements, and debriefing afterwards
- An inflight video
Item #P26648
- Numero di persone: 1.
- L’esperienza non può essere rivenduta.
- Non può essere ceduto a terzi.
- La data dovrà essere concordata da entrambe le parti.
- Alcune date potrebbero non essere disponibili.
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