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"Varenna Riva Grande" by Roberto Butta.

Technique: Oil on canvas
Dimensions: 180 X 100 cm

Contemporary landscape of Varenna, a locality on Lake Como famous for its unique shape set between water and mountains. This artwork is part of the new 2020 collection.

Self-taught painter Roberto Butta was born on February 16, 1961 in Bellano, a village nestled between the lake and mountains, in a wonderful area that includes villages such as Bellagio, Varenna, Lecco and Como. Attracted by the beauty of his hometown and his infinite love for art, he decided to dedicated his time to oil painting, capturing these wonderful landscapes that are enchanting encounters between the work of nature and that of man.

For over 20 years he has expressed himself through his artworks, further deepening and refining technique and style. In his paintings he manages to reflect his soul while the mind and heart draw on wonderful emotions.

For years his works have been sold all over the world and are part of private art collections. Roberto is proud to imagine his works scattered all over the world, conveying the same emotions he experienced when he created them. A wonderful reward for all his efforts that encourages him to continue to "transmit beauty".

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Item #P37654

  • In condition as donated.

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