"Wrapped Reichstag 1994" by Christo
"Wrapped Reichstag 1994" by Christo
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"Wrapped Reichstag 1994" by Christo.
- Lithograph on paper by Christo of one of his most famous installations, Reichstag wrapped from 1994
- Dimensions with frame: 40 x 31 cm
- Galerie Andreas Lendl from Graz (Austria) label on the back
- Frame included
The work includes a piece of fabric used for the installation at the bottom right.
Christo was a Bulgarian-American artist. He was born in 1935 in Gabrovo. In Bulgaria he began studying art at the National Academy of Art in Sofia, where his mother worked as secretary.
He moved to Paris in 1958, where he was marginalized and earned money as a portraitist on the city’s streets.
Only later Christo started to work on Land Art with the project “Packages and Wrapped Objects.
The packaging of everyday objects, like bottles and tables, captured the intrest of artists such as Arman and Yves Klein, friends of Christo, with whom he established the "New Realism" artistic movement in the decade 1960-1970.
Working all over the world, from Europe to the USA and the United Arab Emirates, Christo conceives specific projects according to the place in which he is operating. One of his most recend Land Artworks was a 3-km-long floating bridge on Iseo Lake, linking the mainland to Monte Isola. For the first time in the history of this area, this work made it possible to access the island by land by connecting it to the mainland. From June 17th to July 3rd 2016 many visitors walked across this floating bridge, actively taking part in the creation of this special work.
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Our team digitally analysed and verified this item using the photographic and documentary materials provided by the seller. While this evaluation is conducted to the best of CharityStars' knowledge, it is important to note that as this item is third-party property, its provenance and authenticity cannot be verified with absolute certainty. Therefore, this verification does not constitute a conventional guarantee or promise of quality as defined by the Consumer Rights Act 2015. Specifically, the goods must be as described (Section 11), but the limitations of this description are clearly stated and acknowledged by the buyer. This clarification is made to ensure transparency and fairness in accordance with Section 2 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
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This item belongs to a Professional Seller who has chosen to use the CharityStars.com platform for sale via online auction. CharityStars has conducted thorough preliminary due diligence on the lot. However, as an intermediary, CharityStars cannot assume any responsibility for the quality, provenance, or authenticity of the item, which remains the sole responsibility of the seller.
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Item #P84866
- In condition as donated.
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