

Feeding the community, supporting the territory

You can help too.

With all the donations collected through SpesaSospesa.org, it will be possible to purchase basic foodstuffs - such as pasta, rice, legumes, tuna, biscuits, oil, salt, sugar, milk, fruit juices, coffee, cured meats - and allocate them to families in need.

How does SpesaSospesa.org work?

  1. Each euro collected allows to purchase products to be donated (all those who contribute to the initiative do so absolutely free)
  2. Municipalities identify the fund beneficiary that will manage the purchase and logistics of the products
  3. The products are sent and sorted in the monicipality collection centers (hubs)
  4. Local non-profit organizations distribute products to those in need
  5. The path of each product is tracked, from purchase to distribution (thanks to the Regusto blockchain platform)

Agri-food companies, wholesalers, traders and local producers can also donate or sell their products at discounted prices.
By helping SpesaSopesa.org, we can therefore help even companies in difficulty to restart, giving a hand to the entire territorial economic fabric.

Participating municipalities

Through the patronage, at the beginning of June 2020, the municipalities of the following joined SpesaSospesa.org:

  • Afragola
  • Alexandria
  • Catanzaro
  • Naples
  • Perugia

And that's just the beginning!

Traceability and transparency

Every donation, every purchase and every delivery is tracked by the Regusto blockchain platform: a guarantee of seriousness and transparency towards donors, municipalities and beneficiaries.

Main donors
The digital energy company Sorgenia participates in the initiative by transforming the amount of its customers' electricity bills into donations

  • Con questa donazione la persona fisica può beneficiare della detrazione dall'imposta lorda, ai fini dell'imposta sul reddito, pari al 30%, per un importo non superiore a 30.000€ o in alternativa si può dedurre la donazione fino al 10% del reddito complessivo dichiarato (ex art 83, c 1 e 2, D Lgs 117/17). Il titolare di reddito d’impresa può dedursi integralmente l’erogazione liberale versata a sostegno delle misure di contrasto all’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19 ai sensi dell’art 27, L 133/99 richiamato da art 66, c 2, DL 18/20; l’erogazione è deducibile anche in relazione all’IRAP.



