Support "La Via dell’Ascolto - Tomatis per Tutti"
This pilot project, promoted by DSA Centro Multispecialistico, has been set up in collaboration with the Salesi Foundation of Ancona and involves fifteen epileptic, drug-resistant children, currently being treated at the Salesi Pediatric Hospital of Ancona who will be administered the Tomatis method.
The Tomatis Method is a non-invasive, drugs-free method based on listening to music. The individually programmed sound stimulations reach the person by air conduction and bone conduction, via a special hearing aid. They produce an energetic rebalancing of the entire neural system, both central and peripheral.
The whole family will be involved. The charity auction has the goal of supporting these families financially. At the end of the two years of work, the results will be made public.
La Via dell'Ascolto - Tomatis per tutti - DSA - Centro Multispecialistico (
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