Dawn O'Porter and Chris O'Dowd Zoom Call

抽奖活动 支持 Choose Love






A twenty minute chat over cocktails and Zoom with Dawn O’Porter and Chris O’Dowd! 

"We are so happy to be supporting Choose Love’s emergency winter fundraising auction this year. Having been part of Choose Love since we started, 5 years ago, we have witnessed the organisation grow from what was just an idea to one of the main sources of aid for displaced people in Europe, the Middle East and on the US/Mexico border. Your bids will help ensure that vital items and services reach the people and places they’re needed most this winter. We’re so looking forward to meeting the winner in the new year!
Love, Dawn and Chris xx"

Dawn & Chris



Love all that you do for charity / voter registration in the States ( which we watch in horror here

Misbah Alvi4 年 ago

I'll keep it brief. I wish I didn't have to donate to a charity like this, but I do. Being a mam of two boys; like you guys, it's made my heartache seeing what is happening to innocent people who are desperately wanting a safe place to call home. I wish I could do more. Thank you for using your platform to make people aware of the atrocities that are occurring every single day. Love Mary. X

Mary Eager 4 年 ago

What could be better than the privilege to have some money to donate to a very important cause and get the chance for a chat and a laugh into the bargain? I think about how lucky I am to have a cozy home and safety for my family every day while so many families don’t have that. Choose Love ❤️

匿名4 年 ago

Such a great cause and such a great couple would love to sit and chat over margaritas! Entered on my sisters behalf as she loves you guys too! Xx

Katie Lewis4 年 ago

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