Have Lunch with Cameron Boyce

Thank You Video

Campaign T-shirt

Signed Photo

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Signed and Personalized Script

Social Media Shoutout
The Prize
Hey guys,
This year for my birthday I decided I wanted to do something really amazing, and I'm hoping you'll help me out. If you do, I've put together some pretty cool rewards for you to thank you for giving me the best birthday gift ever.
Did you know that only $25 can supply a person with a lifetime of clean water? That's a huge impact we can make on the life of another human being. I believe no one should have to hike miles and miles for clean water or resort to drinking contaminated water that will make them seriously ill, or even kill them. That's why I've teamed up with the Thirst Project in their mission to end the water crisis. We can supply an entire village with a clean water well for $12,000, and it's my goal that with your help we will be able to build two clean water wells.
If you make a small donation here to help the Thirst Project, you'll be automatically entered to win something I think will be pretty fun—a lunch date with me in Los Angeles. I'll fly you and a guest out to meet me here in California, and we'll go to one of my favorite places and talk about whatever you want! I seriously can't wait.
So please, check out the rewards below, enter to win, and let's do this!

You’ll get a chance to leave a message once you’ve donated
お誕生日おめでとう! 日本でのD2公開はまだまだ先だけど、楽しみにしてます 日本では寄付団体がアメリカのように多くないように感じるのでこのような機会があって嬉しいです(*´∀`*) Tw:@92969l2
we did it!!
I really want to see you maybe you can cheat and pick me lol and if I win this I want to go to the water park you are the best and the Jessie crew is too!! I watch that show every single day because it's so funny especially you Bertrum Zuri and Ravi - love the best nine year old you'll ever get to meet Kiara Chatman ps please respond
So happy I could help other people live better and healthier! Even happier that we have reached the goal! Very excited knowing I have made a difference in this world and definitely going to carry on donating money to charities!
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See rules for entry limits. Only one completed entry form per envelope will be counted.