A Zoom Date with Toby Regbo

抽奖活动 支持 Choose Love






Fancy a date with Toby Regbo? You read that right - you could be in for a chance of winning a 20 minute Zoom date with the one and only over a coffee or a cocktail.

"I've been a big supporter of Choose Love for years so I'm very happy to get involved this winter by having a Zoom date with one of you lovely people. All the money from your tickets will help Choose Love do their important work this winter so do get involved if you can, if you'd like a chat"

Toby Regbo



I'm glad to contribute in my small way. It's such a joy knowing you can take part in spreading light into the lives of the most needy. Just as every drop in the ocean counts to form a vast water mass, together, even with small donations, we have the potential to make a difference! Love is always the right choice. I truly believe it :) Thank you for this opportunity! Hugs from Italia!

Giusy Ferrigno4 年 ago

Hi Toby, 2020 was really a tough year for all of us. Also for me as an actress. In the spring you made it, I can't say exactly how, that I feel alive again, confident and trusting in my acting skills. Thank you so much for that! Therefore I would like to give something back. And it's great to be able to do it this way.

Melanie Scheytt4 年 ago

Thank you for being an inspiration in my life. I hope you are staying safe and healthy during these horrible times with this pandemic. What I donated isn’t much but I know ever little amount is better than nothing at all. Thank you for being such a big advocate for a wonderful cause. Namaste, A.P. Whitfield

Ashley Whitfield4 年 ago

Hope you are fine! Love from Me

匿名4 年 ago

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