Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience

抽奖活动 支持 First Responders Children's Foundation
Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience
Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience
Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience
Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience
Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience
Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience
Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience
Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience






Sam Hunt, Universal Music Group Nashville & Gaylord Opryland Resort have joined forces this holiday season to bring you the Parade of Trees, including this once in a lifetime VIP experience donated by Sam, to benefit First Responders Children’s Foundation.

Win Sam Hunt's "West Coast VIP" Experience

  • Roundtrip airfare for two people to San Diego, California
  • A 3 Day / 2 Night hotel stay valid from August 9-11, 2023
  • Two of Sam Hunt’s personal “Friends & Family” tickets for his show at North Island Credit Union Amphitheater on August 10, 2023
  • Two Meet & Greet passes to personally meet Sam Hunt
  • Hand-signed Sam Hunt acoustic guitar
  • Hand-signed Montavello and Southside vinyls
  • Sam Hunt merch pack including a Sam Hunt Palm Tree Photo Tee, a Checker Peach Trucker Hat, and a Tan Tall Boy Coozie
  • PLUS beautiful ornaments from Sam’s Christmas tree on display at Gaylord Opryland Resort through January 10, 2023

This once in a lifetime VIP experience was donated by Sam to help First Responders Children’s Foundation provide scholarships and mental health services to the children and families of heroes who sacrifice their lives in the line of duty.

Click HERE for more VIP experiences donated by some of country music’s biggest stars.

Please note: Valid only for redemption August 9-11, 2023. Meet and greet will take place in a group setting. Seat locations will not be available in advance. Experience may not be transferred or re-sold. Roundtrip airfare for two will be booked in economy class by CharityStars and provided from the closest major airport to winner’s home city to San Diego, CA up to a maximum of $1500 USD total. Local ground transportation will not be provided.  You must be of legal age to consume alcohol; valid identification required for consumption of alcohol. Additional local restrictions may apply.



Thanks, Sam, for being authentic to who you are. It speaks volumes about your character. Enjoy the adventures along the way and be a blessing to others.

匿名2 年 ago

Thank you for supporting such a great cause and making an impact in the world!

Valerie Spata2 年 ago

Glad to help out!

Virginia Moore2 年 ago

Sam your such a inspiration to me and your music helped me through so much.. I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for you !!! your amazing and I can’t wait to see you again 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛

Lisa Sims2 年 ago

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