
Approved by Filippo Delprete - Italian Jersey Collector

In this section you’ll find all the sports shirts approved by Filippo Delprete, a.k.a. Italian Jersey Collector, one of the most famous and renowned jersey collectors and experts in Italy.

Every two weeks, in his #ShirtStories videos, Filippo will choose the best shirts available on our platform and talk about them on his Instagram and TikTok channels. All the shirts selected by Filippo will be available in this section.

But that's not all: you can also suggest to Filippo which shirts you would like to discover. Just visit his Instagram page or his TikTok channel and comment on his latest #ShirtStories video which shirts you would like to discover.

And if you don't find what you're looking for, keep dreaming with us: tell us what you wish for by completing this form and we'll do everything we can to make your dream come true!
